Manuals for the K31-XXI Chassis (and related)
Minor version changes (after the decimal point) correspond to minor changes, essentially cosmetic. Major version changes (before the decimal point) correspond to big important changes.
- K31-XXI Chassis and Accessoires – Assembly Manual [PDF, 1.8MB]
Latest version: 0.7 of 2018-06-04 - K31-XXI Blitz muzzle brake — installation manual [PDF, 1.5 MB]
- Scope + mount, how to choose — guidelines
- Range cards – user manual
Historical manuals for the K31 (and related)
These were collected over the years across the Internet, and are believed to be in public domain (a notable exception to most of this site’s contents published under WTFPL); many come from the excellent source by the deeply regretted Frank [“Guisan”] van Binnendijk.
- Règlement de l’armée suisse 65.313 f “Le mousqueton 31 et les mousquetons à lunette mq. lu. 31/42 et mq. lu. 31/43. Directives pour armuriers.” ed. 1967.
- Schweizerische armee regl. 65.313 d “Der Karabiner 31 und die Zielfernrohrkarabiner 31/42 und 31/43. Anleitung für den Waffenmechaniker.” ed. 1967
- Schweizerische armee “Der Karabiner (K. 11 und K. 31). Technisches Reglement Nr. T1d” ed. 1944.
- Swiss army manual 53.101 (English translation) “Rifle (Model 11, Model 31, Scoped Model 31/42, 31/43 and 55)” ed. 1958
- Schweizerische armee reglement 53.101 d “Der Karabiner (Kar. 11, Kar. 31 und Zf. Kar.)” ed. 1961 [scanned from the original by Swisswaffen team]
- Swiss army manual 65.334 (English translation) “Rifle, Model 55 With Telescopic Sights. Arsenal instructions.” ed. 1967
- Brochure “Meine neue Waffe“, von Oberstleut. Mariotti, ed. 1937
- Brochure “Mon nouveau mousqueton“, par le Lieut.-colonel Mariotti, ed. 1941, nouvelle édition 1996 [scanned by demoniakkin]